Coffee Shops and AccuPOS EPOS: An Instant Partnership
Coffee shop customers shouldn’t have to wait. Instead, they should be able to get their coffee quickly, and head on their way. This doesn’t always happen though, as the system in place behind the counter can often be overwhelming. After all, everything from the temperature of the milk through to the effectiveness of the grinder has to be perfect, otherwise the perfect cup of coffee won’t be created. It’s the coffee shops that get this system right that succeed.
In order to keep control behind the counter, an effective Electronic Point of Sale system is vital. Ours will ensure the effort of your staff is turned into results, and contribute towards your customers leaving happy with their experience. You should be happy as well, as a higher customer turnover will lead to more cash in your tills! When you install an AccuPOS EPOS, we’ll work with you to customise the system to your exact needs, and ensure that your staff’s skills are complemented, not hindered. So, why not add a boost to your sales process today, by adding in a fantastic AccuPOS EPOS system?
Thanks to our easy-to-use technology, making the switch to AccuPOS is almost seamless – at least, that’s what our customers tell us. We’ve won awards for our coffee shop EPOS system, plus we have the experience to give you exactly what you need, so you know you’ll be in good hands when you partner with us. Are you ready to serve more coffee than you’ve ever served before?
Fast Design
AccuPOS offers a beautiful software design. It enables coffeehouse owners to create a custom menu, with fast menu pages and a large number of items. Each menu item can contain specific requests, such as “no whipped cream” or “soy milk”, or can be written in as needed. When payment occurs, the order can be automatically sent to a prep area. Orders can be saved in progress, or edited after purchase. Customers can use cash, their Visa, MasterCard, or American Express, a gift card, or a check to pay for their purchases, and tips can be added quickly. Other functionalities, such as shift information, can also be used within the coffee shop software.
Having a new, updated coffee shop point of sale system can greatly improve the quality of the workplace, creating faster transactions, and better inventory. Little installation time and training for this system is typically needed, as the software is organized in a quick, logical manner for easy management and access.
Handheld Options
The AccuPOS EPOS system is able to allow baristas to serve using a main PC terminal, or head into the shop and make sales using a mobile Android device. The mobile device can even be taken out of the premises, and used wherever you are operating, from a High Street stall through to a festival. While out and about, you’ll still have full access to credit card payments, inventory and all other features, making business easy in every location. Your mobile device will also still connect to your accounting system, updating records automatically.
There are other great advantages to using a tablet for transactions though, with the biggest being reducing the size of queues at the serving station. Customers will also love the one-to-one service they receive, and could be more receptive to suggestions from staff members, like little extras they could add to their orders. So, don’t lag behind the times, as soon aLL coffee bars will be using handheld devices to improve their customer experience!
AccuPOS Point of Sale is a benchmark that other POS software systems should strive for. It’s well thought out, coded properly, user friendly and affordable. When combined with QuickBooks you have a complete package that links the front with the back office.Tom Skarbowski,
Certified QuickBooks Pro Advisor
There are many reasons to work with AccuPOS, including:

Customer support, all day, every day

Identical interfaces on different devices

Sales can be made even when offline

Fully compatible with gift cards and loyalty programs

AccuPOS updates delivered in real time